Filem’On Exchange newsletter july 2015

Filem'On invites you to the Muntpunt!
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European Exchange @ MUNTPUNT
Friday the 6th of November 2015
From 10:00 until 17:00: 
More information:

Munt 6
1000 Brussel

Masterclass Animation by Tomm Moore

During the festival in November Tomm Moore will give a masterclass Animation in RITS Cinema Brussels. The details are not yet finalised, but we are already excited. You too?

2nd European Exchange Filem'On

Topic: Storywriting for Film and Media for young audiences, Audience Design & taboos in film.

The first exchange started last year, and was a great succes. In these professional settings, we try to discuss difficult topics in film and media for young audiences. We bring together story writers, directors, producers, script doctors and innovators from all over Europe. By showcasing successful cases from all over Europe and by utilizing the diverse backgrounds of participants, we are looking to encourage in-depth discussions. 

The exchange is open to anyone interested in creative film and media for young audiences. This year, the exchange will take place on the 6th of november, in Muntpunt Brussels.

The Panel session questions

Panel 1:
 Why engage children in juries ? (Or even better) Why let them organize their own festival? Speakers (tbc)

Panel 2: Producers sharing their secrets Speakers (tbc)

Speakers and guests:

Interested to join the exchange? 

Keep an eye on your mailbox, from the 1st of september you can subscribe via the website We will keep you posted!
The exchange has been made possible thanks to the support of the Flemish Government Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds, Centre de cinema Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, the Dutch Embassy, Muntpunt, IMinds and Jekino.

** The festival will be from Saturday the 1st of November until Sunday the 08th of November 2015 **
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