Filem’On – International Film Festival For Young Audiences

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Filem'On -
International Film Festival For Young Audiences


25.10 > 04.11
Brussels & Ghent

The international film festival for young audiences Filem’On is holding his 11th edition this year. During ten days, we’ll be showing unique films to schools, families and associations in various theatres and cultural houses of Brussels & Ghent  More than 130 films, in all formats and of all genres, for children and teens between 2 and 16, will be programmed in our competition.

Discover the program of the festival :

4th European Exchange
03.11 > Brussels

Filem’On has organized the 4th European Exchange in Brussels with 8 new and inspiring projects. This Exchange stimulates film and media literacy for kids and youngsters from different backgrounds who come from all over the world.. The Exchange this year will especially focus on innovative projects which serve to build bridges between theoldand thenew”.

Bringing together young audiences is at the heart of the Filem’On festival. Therefore, Filem’On will also present projects that were created with strong European and cross border partnerships.

Discover the program of the European Exchange :

ECFA Documentary Award

With the ECFA Doc Award, ECFA gives special attention to European quality documentaries produced for a young audience, promoting this specific genre towards audiences and festivals.

The festival will take place from the 25th of October until the 64h of November 2017 and is supported by VAF, Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles Centre de cinéma, VGC, Vlaamse Gemeenschap,  Brussels Region Imago, City of Brussels, COCOF,  Polish IInstitute Brussels,  Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Brussels &  German Embassy Brussels


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Info: - nieuwe website vanaf midden september!
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