Filem’On is ready for its European mission !

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Filem'On - International Film Festival for Young Audiences

24.10 > 03.12.2018

Flem'On, International Filmfestival for Young Audiences, receives support from Europe

The EACEA Executive Agency announced the selection results of the 'Film Festivals' Grant Call (EACEA / 17/2017), first round.

Filem'On is one of the lucky ones and receives European support for the first time. In total there were 104 applications, of which 35 film festivals were selected. Film Fest Gent is the other Belgian filmfestival that also received support.

Filem'On wants to thank its partners who are helping to ensure that the festival will continue evolve. The support of Europe is more than welcome. With this support, Filem'On can put extra effort to its broad public activities and its varied European programming for young audiences.


Filem'On new section 'ECFA Short'

The European Children's Film Association has launched a new competition section "ECFA Short Award". With this award ECFA wants to promote European short films for a young audience. The honour for the first prize award will be announced at the upcoming International Short Film Festival Oberhausen: a three-member ECFA jury will judge the best short film. Filem'On, member of the ECFA and the jury, will also include the ECFA Short Award in its festival programme.

  Shortfilm "Liitterbugs",  UK, Filem'On 2017

         Call for submissions

Until the end of June all films for Filem'On - International Filmfestival for Young Audience - can be submitted. Filem'On welcomes fiction, animated films and documentaries, both short and feature films, accessible to young audiences aged 2 to 16 years. The specific regulations per competition section can also be found there.

vzw Filemon
Rue de la Caserne 33, Kazernestraat
1000 Brussel/ Belgium

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