Filem’On Mailing June 2015

Filem'On invites you to the beach!
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Ciné-Club@WIELS + Workshop 

Sunday 28.06.2015
From 10u30 till 13u
Price  4€ / 3€ (+workshop)
Reservations :
+32 (0)2 340 00 52

Avenue Van Volxemlaan 354
1190 Brussel

Beach movie theatre

Middelkerke - From the 1st of July until the 31st of August you can come and watch movies in your flipflops. The following movies will be shown: The Russion animation "My strange grandfather", the New Sealands' shortfilm "Minnie loves Junior", "Carrot at the beach" (Estland) and the "story of a seaturtle" (Canada)!


Filem'On goes Instagram! Unique photo's during the preprations and ofcourse of the festival will be published on Instagram now! Did you join one of the cool Filem'On events, than take a nice picture and tag! #filemon_film_festival!

Deadline film submission: 24th of June

Do you still have a movie that needs to be programmed during the Filem'On festival this year? You can still tell us which one and why. Click here to fill in the form, and we will take your submission in concideration. Thanks for your help!


Everybody has a superpower, and we would like to take advantage of that. We are looking for young teenagers (12+) who would like to organise a workshop for other youngsters. This workshop can be about graffiti, body painting or maybe face painting? Or maybe you can explain the wunderful world of creating a digital movie on your phone just by using apps?

Apply your idea by filling out this form!

Support us so we can show our unique film program to even more kids!

Filem'On once again is approved to receive financial gifts that are fiscally deductable, from individuals and corporate offices. Make sure that your property tax won't go to the bank, but is being used to help Filem'On reach her targets. Click here to read more on how to make this happen.

The Giffoni Experience is coming up!

Just 30 short nights and the Filem'On teenage crew is going to arrive at Giffoni Filmfestival! Everybody is looking very much forward to it, and we think it is going to be a great experience. Keep an eye on the Facebook page, because there is going to be a vlog live from Giffoni! 
** The festival takes place this year from Saturday the 1st of November until the 8th **
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