The short films:

Mensjesrechten: Mijn brief aan de oliemannen

  • Year: 2019
  • Country: Nigeria
  • Director: Xander de Boer
  • Duration: 15min

The Nigerian boy Papilou (14) lives on the edge of a very polluted piece of land. He decides to write a letter to Shell, the oil company responsible for the pollution.

The American Bull

  • Year: 2018
  • Country: Iran
  • Director: Fatemeh Tousi
  • Duration: 15min

The inhabitants of a border village between Iran and Iraq live from cattle breeding. Saheb, a teenage boy, owns the only American bull… but then he gets sick.


  • Year: 2018
  • Country: India
  • Director: Suresh Eriyat
  • Duration: 14min

Tokri is a clay-motion short film about and Indian family who falls on hard times when the little girl discovers a secret about her dad. A story about trust and family. The amazingly detailed scenes will amaze viewers of all ages, and are a great interpretation of daily Indian life. Director Eriyat is a pioneer in his country, and won the first Cristal Annecy for his country ever, in 2015. Tokri screened in world premiere at the Mumbai International Film Festival.

The size of things

  • Year: 2019
  • Country: Colombia
  • Director: Carlos Felipe Montoya
  • Duration: 12min

Poor Diego lives with his father in a house without furniture, without anything. One day he finds a chair deep in the woods and desire of possession arises. Diego takes the chair back home.

199 Little Heroes

  • Year: 2019
  • Country: Germany, Mongolia
  • Director: Sigrid Klausmann
  • Duration: 9min

A 12-year-old girl talks about nomadic life in Mongolia and how climate change threatens animal life due to water shortages. A short film with beautiful epic images that offer an look inside the nomadic life in Mongolia.

Extra info

Touching short films from Asia, Africa and South-America, showing us the daily reality of children who live different than ours. In collaboration with Vredeshuis Stad Gent.

This film is preceded by an informative film about children’s rights in collaboration with T’ Zitemzo.