Both dreamy and gifted Jim, 11, lives with his father Graham, who’s destined to become the first British scientist to visit space. At his new school, Jim takes advantage of a competition for young scientists to secretly build a balloon. In this adventure, Jim can count on Emma, his new classmate. Together, despite their opposite character, they face a challenge that will gradually bring them closer…
Extra info
14:00 Film “Space Boy”
15:30 – 16:30 Masterclass
Olivier Pairoux is director, art director and animator at RTL. Alongside he also directs commercials and video clips. In 2018, he took an interest in fiction and wrote and directed ‘Puzzle’ (20’), a sci-fi black comedy, starring Philippe Katerine, which got selected at Filem’On 2019.
In 2020, he co-wrote and directed ‘Spaceboy’ (97’), an adventure film inspired by the 80’s that depicts the childhood of authors such as Les Goonies, E.T., or Stand by Me! During the masterclass Olivier Pairoux shares the process of the creation of his first feature film “Spaceboy”, from concept to completion, as well as his experiences, the challenges and some great anecdotes!
Free / only for professionnels / reservation necessary !